Medical and Laboratory devices experts

Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit complete, Cat # LBD-DTI-WG250K

Wright-Giemsa Stain Kits

Cat # LBD-DTI-WG250K

Wright and Wright-Giemsa Stain Kits Stain peripheral blood and  bone marrow smears. Used to perform differential white blood cell counts and to study red blood cell morphology. Abnormal granulocyte, lymphocyte or monocyte cell counts may be used to facilitate the diagnosis of diseases such as leukemia or bacterial infections

Kit includes:

  1.  stain. 250ml Bottle
  2. buffer.  250 Ml Botle
  3.  rinse. 250ml
  4. Coplin Jars: 3 pcs
  5. Timer: 1
  6. Slide: On pack of 72 Microscope slinbe (One side frosted end).
Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 20 cm